
How Does emotiony.io Work?

Well, it is pretty simple, all the complexity and AI are hidden on our servers so you have just to play, enjoy the results and share them!

When you play a game, usually very short, that is, a maximum of one or two minutes, you are tagging that game with a #hashtag. You are picking up among a short list of emotions. In fact, this little list is a summary created for you from the more than five hundred emotions we have collected in our database.

So, let’s imagine that you play under #love and #friend and pick up four or five emotions, and reject one or two.

That’s all. A few seconds after you finish the game, our servers will generate in real-time a unique emoplanet,1 that represents that set of emotions.

How? Very easy, we have created a Graphical AI engine that receives emotions and creates from that input a unique image, an emoplanet. Here you may read more about this.

Is this serious? Sure, if you are interested you may check out eToM, that is, emotiony.io Theory of Mind or search for more information about this in our blog.

More at FAQs

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  1. emoplanet↩︎

Up next How Does emotiony.io Manage Emotional Drivers and Emotions? We work with our eToM, emotiony.io Theory of Mind, and from that general theory we use Octalysis to manage emotional drivers and emotions. This How Will I Get My Matics? You will receive your Matics on your wallet. The same wallet of your emotiony.io account. #emotiony #Money_and_Matics #Earn_money_with_your_hashtags
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