
New Version Release 3.1

Welcome to emotiony.io, the cutting-edge web app that dares to explore the uncharted territories of emotional big data.

In our white layout release, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey, where emotions become the driving force behind revolutionary insights and opportunities.

White version appWhite version app

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Latest posts What are positive emotions talking to us Unleash the Power of Emotions with Emotiony.io Why confusing consistency with resistance keeps you stuck? Why lateralisation makes the difference on brain health How thougts become your destiny, Lao Tzu & Salgado How emotiony help you to deal with stress What is the emotiony Theory of Mind Djokovic's Secret Emotions and Champion's Mental Breakthrough Why emotional drivers are so important in decision-making customer experience What is emotiony and how does it work What is a emo-planet and how do we create it Why emotiony is using crypto? Announcement, Second Edition Of Emotions, Ally or Enemy Placeholder BlogPost What is the emotiony-KPI Emotional Data Response? Planet of the week, June 9th Planet of the week, June 2th New emotionyCat Friend! New Version Release 3.1 New Version Release 3.1 New Version Release 3.1 Planet of the week May, 26th Whitepaper Vision Teaser Project Pitch Deck Planet of the week May, 19th Planet of the week May, 12th Planet of the week, May, 5th Planet of the week April, 28th